Whether it’s an intolerance to gluten, dairy, soy, shellfish or peanuts, travellers who have specific dietary requirements are seriously up against it when they travel. How do you tell the chef or waiter that you may have a reaction when you don’t speak the language?
Easy. You just use the translations below. Babbel has put together a list of basic phrases in five European languages to help travellers with dietary restrictions navigate local cuisine.
Don’t worry about pronunciation. Just wing it. Chances are you’ll be closer than you think.
What are your vegetarian/vegan options?
German: Welche vegetarischen/veganen Alternativen haben Sie?
French: Quelles sont vos options végétariennes/végétaliennes ?
Italian: Quali sono le vostre opzioni vegetariane/vegane?
Spanish: ¿Cuáles son las opciones vegatarianas/veganas del menú?
Swedish: Vad har ni för vegetariska/veganska alternativ?
Is this gluten-free?
German: Ist das glutenfrei?
French: Est-ce que c’est sans gluten?
Italian: È senza glutine?
Spanish: ¿Es sin gluten?
Swedish: Är det här glutenfritt?
I’m allergic to _____.” (wheat, dairy, shellfish, eggs, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, soy)
German: Ich bin allergisch gegen _____. (Weizen, Laktose, Meeresfrüchte, Eier, Milch, Erdnüsse, Nüsse, Soja)
French: Je suis allergique ____. (au blé, aux produits laitiers, aux crustacés, aux œufs, au lait, à l’arachide, aux noix, au soja)
Italian: Ho un’allergia __. (al grano, ai atticini, ai crostacei, alle uova, al latte, alle arachidi, alla frutta a guscio, alla soia)
Spanish: Soy alérgico/a _____. (al trigo, a los productos lácteos, al marisco, a los huevos, a los cacahuetes, a los frutos secos, a la soja)
Swedish: Jag är allergisk mot _____. (vete, mjölkprodukter, skaldjur, ägg, mjölk, jordnötter, nötter, soja)
Can you make this without _____? (meat, cheese, dairy)
German: Könnte ich das auch ohne ____ haben? (Fleisch, Käse, Milchprodukte)
French: Pourriez-vous préparer ce plat sans ____ ? (viande, fromage, produits laitiers)
Italian: È possibile cucinare questo piatto senza_____? (carne, formaggio, latticini)
Spanish: ¿Puede preparar este plato sin ____? (carne, queso, productos lácteos)
Swedish: Kan ni laga den här rätten utan ____? (kött, ost, mjölkprodukter)